Gregory Bender

2012 December 12: Acid wash engine and transmission cases (4.15 hours)


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I soaked the crankcase, sump, timing chest cover, transmission case, and transmission rear cover in oxalic acid for 7 12 hours today. Overall, the cases turned out fantastic. I have a bit of work to do on the crankcase due to some shadowing, but overall I am thrilled. I even got all of the battery acid stains on the transmission case removed. Amazing!

I assembled the tranmission layshaft and placed the thrust washers on the front of the main shaft.

I cleaned the parts for the generator and distributor.

I tossed all the spokes and nipples in degreaser for the night.

Before cleaning with oxalic acid.
Before cleaning with oxalic acid.

Photo courtesy of Gregory Bender.

Before cleaning with oxalic acid.
Before cleaning with oxalic acid.

Photo courtesy of Gregory Bender.

Before cleaning with oxalic acid.
Before cleaning with oxalic acid.

Photo courtesy of Gregory Bender.

Before cleaning with oxalic acid.
Before cleaning with oxalic acid.

Photo courtesy of Gregory Bender.

Before cleaning with oxalic acid.
Before cleaning with oxalic acid.

Photo courtesy of Gregory Bender.

Before cleaning with oxalic acid.
Before cleaning with oxalic acid.

Photo courtesy of Gregory Bender.

Before cleaning with oxalic acid.
Before cleaning with oxalic acid.

Photo courtesy of Gregory Bender.

Before cleaning with oxalic acid.
Before cleaning with oxalic acid.

Photo courtesy of Gregory Bender.

Before cleaning with oxalic acid.
Before cleaning with oxalic acid.

Photo courtesy of Gregory Bender.

Before cleaning with oxalic acid.
Before cleaning with oxalic acid.

Photo courtesy of Gregory Bender.

Before cleaning with oxalic acid.
Before cleaning with oxalic acid.

Photo courtesy of Gregory Bender.

Before cleaning with oxalic acid.
Before cleaning with oxalic acid.

Photo courtesy of Gregory Bender.

Before cleaning with oxalic acid.
Before cleaning with oxalic acid.

Photo courtesy of Gregory Bender.

Before cleaning with oxalic acid.
Before cleaning with oxalic acid.

Photo courtesy of Gregory Bender.

Arranging parts in giant tub.
Arranging parts in giant tub.

Photo courtesy of Gregory Bender.

Oxalic acid cleaning the parts.
Oxalic acid cleaning the parts.

Photo courtesy of Gregory Bender.

Cleaned parts. Generally a very nice match amongst all the cast aluminum parts without the change in appearance that comes from blasting or using other acids that alter the color. Precisely the original look I was after.
Cleaned parts. Generally a very nice match amongst all the cast aluminum parts without the change in appearance that comes from blasting or using other acids that alter the color. Precisely the original look I was after.

Photo courtesy of Gregory Bender.

Some shadowing I'll address with some more oxalic acid.
Some shadowing I'll address with some more oxalic acid.

Photo courtesy of Gregory Bender.

Battery acid staining is gone!
Battery acid staining is gone!

Photo courtesy of Gregory Bender.

Cleaned pieces and parts for the generator and distributor.
Cleaned pieces and parts for the generator and distributor.

Photo courtesy of Gregory Bender.

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