Subject: RE: MG Big Twins production numbers
Author: Kevin Graf
Date: Jan 2, 2002, 9:20 AM
Post ID: 1709277331
I could of swore that a buddy of mine got a total of moto guzzi's registered
in the Oakland county, MI area for a bike shop he worked at a few years ago.
I think the shop was considering a dealership license. I know there wasn't
that many. That use everything though, not just loops.
Do I dare say it was about 10 or something like that? It was a ridiculously
low number for the tons of people (and bikes) here.
-----Original Message-----
From: Ian Adkins []
Sent: Tuesday, January 01, 2002 10:53 PM
Subject: Re: MG Big Twins production numbers
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Very interesting thought. I suppose that if one person from each state took
on the challenge of seeing if they could actually get that data we would be
well on our way to getting a realistic number. I am curious as to how many
surviving relatives my Ambos have :-)
I suppose that if a person called/wrote to the head of the state
transportation depatment asking if they could find out how many 1967-1974
Moto Guzzis were in their data base they might be willing to give a number.
One could also mention that this was for research purposes and that only a
total number was needed that might make it less intrusive to them.
-----Original Message-----
From: Hunter Jones <>
To: <>
Date: December 31, 2001 9:13 PM
Subject: Re: MG Big Twins production numbers
Ian, You won't need a hacker! I believe that North Carolina makes that info available. That is how so'n'so's bike shop ends up with my name on their mailing list. I think with a little teamwork we could find out from our respective DMVs how to get the info and what it might cost. |
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