Hi Helge, I believe that's what's happening. Mine would energize the starter with a "click" but not turn the engine over. Just as in your case, a few more tries and then all of the sudden "varoom!" Usually would happen just after I'd been bragging the bike up to bunch of Harley or Goldwing riders and went to leave! Cheers,
Helge Christensen wrote:
Ahh, then again. If the button shortcuts the cercuit halfway in only, the impulse can't make it to the starter before the button is all the way in. I see it now. I'll check it tomorrow.
Helge Christensen wrote:
Thanks for the suggestions!
I don't think it's the button itself since by pressing it something else
goes "click". I just couldn't tell if it was the starter relay, or the solenoid on the starter motor that couldn't activate the starter. I've just spent half the day in the garage making new connections for the battery, starter, relay and regulator unit (new spades). The battery says 12.96 volts static. Should be ok. Removed the end cover on the starter motor, and a lot of old dust went out. I don't think the cover has been removed for at least 20 years. Cleaned it up around things, and cleaned the commutator with gasoline (very black), and greased the bushings. Hope this helps.