Topica Loopframe_Guzzi Archive

Subject: RE: Ural seat

Author: Kevin Graf

Date: Jun 21, 2001, 12:57 PM

Post ID: 1707209718

AAAHHHHHHH!!! your kidding right?
but you just set someone eles up now by repeting those dirty,nasty
I vote that it is refered to by THE YOU KNOW WHAT from here on out.

It's the only way to stop the maddness.


thomas short wrote:
Kevin Graf wrote:
 Being 6'4" I needed more leg room....

I found a HD police seat at a bike swap meet for 15 bucks. I had a
freind make me some braces that I designed and now on my Eldo,Mr.
MaGuzzi, I sit 2 to 3 inches higher and 3-4 inches further back! LOTS of

leg room.

Now if I can get this darn G-5 that comfy before the Natnl.

Oh, why am I not riding the Eldo? you may ask.. BROKEN SHIFT RETURN

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