Topica Loopframe_Guzzi Archive

Subject: Re: Windshield replacement

Author: k obrien

Date: Aug 27, 2000, 4:01 PM

Post ID: 1702116983

Tim wrote:
I just picked up an original Guzzi police windshield for my Eldo.
Bottom half was in good condition, top clear portion is cracked. I
took everything apart, and it seems that it could be cut out of a flat
piece of plexiglass, and then using the straps/mounting hardware to
get the curve. Any ideas on where and what to use for the top? Also,
can I do this myself, or is the material tricky to cut? I took the
old out, glued it together, and made a pattern on plywood. Lexan
better than plexiglass?


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Tim>Lexan is much better than plexiglas.Its easier to cut,or bend.Also
it usually doesnt snap like plexi when stressed...........KO

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