2007 October 17: :
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Set to work on the rear brakes. The shoes I used here were a n.o.s. set with Ferodo green
linings. Mounted them to the backing plate with all the hardware, then installed an axle and several bearings and spacers to take up length. Tried mounting it into my small Logan lathe and it fit, just barely. Definitely not optimum as the tool holder was at nearly a right angle to the shoe surface. When cutting started the bit would just skip along and not do much - too much play.

Photo courtesy of Charlie Mullendore of Antietam Classic Cycle.
Second try - mount it up in the big lathe
(12 inch × 72 inch). This worked much better! Cut the shoe surface evenly and quickly without chatter or skipping. Following Vintage Brakes advice, I turned the outer diameter to 0.01 inch less than the inner diameter of the drum.

Photo courtesy of Charlie Mullendore of Antietam Classic Cycle.
Still, I final arced the shoe to the drum using sandpaper as on the front brake. The Ferodo material is quite a bit harder so it took longer, but I finally got it done.