2007 August 27: :
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Met this morning with Dan Friend to swap rear fenders with him. He had kept the rear fender (as a spare for his Eldo) when he sold me the parts that form the basis of this project. The one I had intended to use had a few dents that couldn't be removed without damaging the original paint and I remembered the one Dan had was straighter. So, I swapped him a good fender in lovely spray bomb black I had bought for the 75 ex-LAPD Eldo project for his straight one in original paint. Initially it looked a bit rough - someone had spilled what looked like thick red primer down the back of it and the paint was pretty chalky. In the photo below you can see the worst part of it remains around where the taillight mounts and where I'd already removed the rest. Luckily it came off easily once a bit of heat was applied to the underside of the fender.

Photo courtesy of Charlie Mullendore of Antietam Classic Cycle.
Once all of that was off, I used Meguir's 3-step products to revive the paint. Up near the battery it still looks a bit rough, but overall not too bad. Matches the front fender really well - surprising since they're from two different bikes.

Photo courtesy of Charlie Mullendore of Antietam Classic Cycle.
Mounted the fender into place to check for fit - ah, just right!

Photo courtesy of Charlie Mullendore of Antietam Classic Cycle.
Glued the little rubber strips onto the bottom of the regulator bracket, then attached it too. Cut a mouse-pad for use as a battery cushion and laid that in place. Have to get up early again, so quit early and went in to eat, read my e-mails and then get some shut-eye.

Photo courtesy of Charlie Mullendore of Antietam Classic Cycle.