2007 August 14: :
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Late this evening I decided to work on the swing arm replacing the bearings, seals, cleaning and waxing it. The old swing arm pivot bearings came out without any problems, but when I tried to drive the u-joint carrier bearing out as I usually do, the outer race split in two. It appears to have been partially fractured for some time and I just finished it off. How to get the remaining piece out? It's too hard for a chisel or die grinder to even make a mark, too close quarters to use the die grinder with abrasive wheel. Thankfully I have a Dremel and after using up a half dozen of the little abrasive discs, I'd ground away enough for the piece to be dislodged. A normally fifteen minute job turned into an hour and a half one. As soon as I thoroughly clean everything, it'll be ready for the new bearings to go in.

Photo courtesy of Charlie Mullendore of Antietam Classic Cycle.