Subject: RE: Exhaust & Carb Tuning
Author: greg hopkins
Date: Jul 20, 2005, 10:43 AM
Post ID: 1719182023
Joe, What brand/heat range plug are you running? Are your air filters clean? Also did you do any porting and polishing of the heads? It seems to me I read in the Tips Book that you can eliminate the crossover by running a tube between the intakes, using the vacumn guage access ports.This part might be experimental, but, cheaper than adding an exhaust x-over. { a tube nipple/screw piece has to be fabricated to fit both intakes to add this tube) Also, what alltitude are you running at. Last but not least, the junction between the intake manifold and head should be smooth as to not cause turbulance in the combustion chamber. This is very Hi-tech for the Guzzi I'm used to. This came from a '72 cycle repair handbook by Joe Greene Good luck with it...Greg '72 Police Eldo
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