Subject: RE: a real shame
Author: tom short
Date: Jul 29, 2004, 7:17 AM
Post ID: 1717248120
Fred Sahms wrote:
One man's ground-up restoration is anoher man's rattle-can repaint. |
For what its worth, the bike is being advertised as a Harper's
I just think it is too bad for US who restore these bike out of love for
them, that we cannot realise a better return on our
investment/labor/time within the motorcycling comunity when and if we
want/need to sell. Our Guzzis get no real respect out there! Even
insurance comanies won't give us what we believe they are worth if we
have a 'get-off'.(right, Kev?)
Sure people admire them, but when it comes to stepping up to the plate,
they fade away faster than an Independant hopeful.
Me, I love 'em. And yes, I like to buy them cheap! But, I still think
the loops 'should' comand a better price than they get on the open
market. That's all.
And, Mark! I'll work for ya if you move to Arizona!! You can refer to me
as your pet turtle, cause I work so slow!!!
The Arizona Kid
LFL 002
Tom Short
Phoenix, AZ