Topica Loopframe_Guzzi Archive

Subject: Re: RE installing rings problems

Author: Bill Berry

Date: Aug 5, 2002, 8:36 PM

Post ID: 1710742625

Thanks for the advice. I stopped after I got pissed and
had a few...well several barley pops and just chilled out.
I'm pretty chilly matches here! I'm gonna try
a few of y'alls suggestions later on this week. If all
else fails, I'll just pay someone with experience to put
this thing back together. That way if they break a ring,
they'll have to find and buy new ones at their own
expense. I did compare the new rings to the old one I
have left. I don't think end gap is a problem...the new
one's gap is slightly wider than the old one. The rings
felt the same size in every other respect. I do wonder
about the ring and piston combination not working together
tho(the groove depth thing)...sounds loopy :) but
possible. They didn't feel like they went in the groove as
deep as the originals. We'll see what happens. I think
I'll first try to install the piston in the cylinder
upsidedown on the bench and go from there.
Chris in NC

On Mon, 05 Aug 2002 22:49:28 -0400
P67V7 <> wrote:

I got a few rings that I had to file the end gap on, as
was mentioned check it first in the cylinder making sure
it is in squarely. File the ends carefully with a fine
file. I set the ring on the edge of a steel plate and
file downward to avoid it grabbing on the file and
possibly breaking.Check after each few strokes.

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