I dunno about that, They do want $23.00 for a 13/16 6 pt spark plug socket! The mulitool is a bill alone.
They're just trying to make a buck off the RUB's. Hopping on the bandwagon.
thomas short wrote:
I'm sure its a tyop(typo) they do happen...
Bruce Giller wrote:
Make a million a two in your spare time! Sell your OEM toolkit to generate much needed cash. Compare your toolkit to what SnapOn has offered (http://buy.snapon.com/catalog/search.ASP?PartNo=CYCLESET1) and you will see that your LoopFrame is simply a vintage cash cow!
'72 Eldo
Pay particular notice to how well the items listed by SnapOn are the most useful for 99% of the bikes on the road....