Topica Loopframe_Guzzi Archive

Subject: Re: brakes

Author: Hunter Jones

Date: Mar 21, 2001, 2:24 PM

Post ID: 1705976320

Hello Ian,

I had my 4LS brake on my Eldo relined by Harpers. They use a softer lining
like you mentioned. My brake works great now. Before that I would have
sworn that the front brakes made the bike speed up. :-o
As I recall the stock shoes are a bit pricey, that's what prompted me to
reline mine.


 Hi All,

A friend of mine owns a V700 and he wants to put on softer pads on his
brakes. Any recommendations as to the type of material that is the best?

Also....what is the advantage/disadvantage and cost difference buying new
brakes as opposed to having the brakes relined?

I appreciate the replies.


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