2007 July 04: : Happy Independence Day!
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Fireworks and family get-together aren't until Saturday, so I decide to use the day for engine and transmission cleaning instead. The engine really wasn't all that dirty and after cleaning with Gunk, I questioned the need to use the Eagle 1 Mag Wheel Cleaner. But, I decided to after all and I'm glad I did as it looks much better. The transmission took a lot more time and effort to get looking as good, but it too was worth it. Compare with the before photos above and you'll see what I mean.

Photo courtesy of Charlie Mullendore of Antietam Classic Cycle.

Photo courtesy of Charlie Mullendore of Antietam Classic Cycle.
Cleaned up the flywheel and installed it, then used RTV to hold the springs in place.

Photo courtesy of Charlie Mullendore of Antietam Classic Cycle.
I use the clutch hub to align the friction plates and compress the springs during assembly. Found a spacer that had the perfect OD to fit inside of the clutch hub, only the ID needed to be opened up a bit. Got lucky again and found a bolt the correct size, threads and length to do the job. I have this habit of squirreling away unused bolts from various projects (I think this one came from some Audi suspension work?) and sometimes it pays off.

Photo courtesy of Charlie Mullendore of Antietam Classic Cycle.
Pressure plate was cleaned and installed with the marks aligned, the tool threaded into place a few threads to hold it there. Cleaned the ring gear and intermediate plate thoroughly. Inspected the friction plates and found them to be within spec. for friction material thickness and with perfect teeth. But, they were very oil soaked, so I put them in a small pan of mineral spirits and will let them set overnight.