Saw a mention of cleaning carbs with Pine-Sol on Thumpertalk, so thought I'd give it a try. Wednesday I poured two 48 ounce bottles (USD $3.32 each at my local market) into a 5 quart plastic container and submerged a pair of quite cruddy VHB bodies, bowls, etc. in it. This morning (Friday) I pulled the parts out and rinsed them off in hot water - beautifully clean!
One of the two bottles of Pine-Sol used to clean Moto Guzzi carburetors.
It's supposed to work better/faster if the Pine-Sol is warm (mine was in the 50° Fahrenheit shop), next time I'll bring the container in the house. It's only slightly darker after this pair, so I should be able to clean quite a few more.
Images provided by Dana Larson:
Before and after photos using a two day soak in Pine-Sol.
Photo courtesy of Dana Larson.
Before and after photos using a two day soak in Pine-Sol.
Photo courtesy of Dana Larson.
Before and after photos using a two day soak in Pine-Sol.
Photo courtesy of Dana Larson.
Before and after photos using a two day soak in Pine-Sol.
Photo courtesy of Dana Larson.
Some additional photos and information from Charlie Mullendore of Antietam Classic Cycle:
Did another set of carbs the other day. This pair was quite a bit cruddier - caked on goop covering more of the outside, though not as much white fluffy deposits inside. Only soaked these over night but the Pine-Sol was about 10° Fahrenheit warmer. Did the same excellent job, though I did need to scrub some of the more heavily soiled areas with a toothbrush a bit. If I had left them in for another day, that probably wouldn't have been necessary.
Before and after photos using an overnight soak in Pine-Sol.