Gregory Bender

View all Wiring harnesses for the Moto Guzzi V65 Lario for sale

Dash harness to headlight (USA version only)

Part number: 19747435-USA

Price: $10.00

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Dash harness to headlight. Applicable to the Moto Guzzi Monza.
19747435: Dash harness to headlight. Applicable to the Moto Guzzi Monza.
19747435: Dash harness to headlight. Applicable to the Moto Guzzi Monza.

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Dash harness to headlight (USA version only)

Connects the dash harness to the headlight. Also provides ground connections for the front turn signals. The USA version does not support a city light.

4 terminal connection to the dash harness.
4 terminal connection to the dash harness.
4 terminal connection to the dash harness.

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