Moto Guzzi Eldorado
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Total hours expended to date: 153.50 hours

Photo courtesy of Gregory Bender.
This is a 1972 Moto Guzzi Eldorado project bike that my Dad brought to me when he and Mom came for a visit in early October, 2005. It is quite complete and - aside from the paint - has not been molested much over the years. My brother went through the engine, and I went through the transmission and rear drive, took care of a few odds and ends on the engine, plus all the usual checking of bearings, cleaning, polishing, etc. It ended up taking me a year and a half to complete. It is a nice ride and is real peppy...very fun! I took a few photos along the way, but never as many as I wish I had. But, taking photos takes time and when giving the choice, I'd rather ride or wrench than take photos. I did keep a very careful tally of the hours I spend working on this project (along with detailed descriptions of what I did with that time). Although there was some desk time involved (reading instructions, ordering parts, etc), I only kept track of actual garage time.
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