Custom 4: Spot light kit for civilian models
Applicable to these part numbers:
Route the harness
- The end of the harness with the blue/black wire with the ring terminal goes to the battery.
- Route the remaining harness forward under the tank.
- The 3 connection female spade connector should be located under the tank.
- The pair of blue/black wires sheathed together should be routed to the left handlebar clutch perch.
- The individual blue/black wires in separate sheathing should be routed to each spot light.
At the left handlebar perch
- Mount the stainless steel bracket to the front side of the clutch perch (the side of the perch nearest the front tire). Use a longer clutch perch pinch bolt and a lock nut (not provided).
- Fit the push-pull switch to the bracket.
- Using the set screws at the rear of the push-pull switch, secure the blue/black wires in place.
- Fit the rubber boot over the rear of the push-pull switch and adjust sheathing as needed.
At each spot light
- Cut the wiring and sheathing to length (be sure to double check the length needed when the handlebars are turned fully in each direction).
- Slide the heat shrink over the wire.
- Strip the insulation from the blue/black wire AND from the positive lead for your spot lights.
- Crimp the butt connector in place on both wires.
- Slide the heat shrink over the butt connector. Heat to shrink.
- Slide the sheathing over the heat shrink.
At the battery
Connect the blue/black wire with the ring terminal to the battery positive terminal.