Moto Guzzi V700, V7 Special, Ambassador, 850 GT, 850 GT California, Eldorado, and 850 California Police models
I extracted this information from Mike Ittner, Greg Field and Charley Cole of Zydeco Racing on the old Yahoo! Loopframe_Guzzi news group (which has now moved to Recently Rich Pardo has also sent me some information as well.
Information from Rich Pardo:
I just bought Charlie Cole's old Enduro bags and I'm trying to figure out how to mount them.
I came across this set of instructions on Duane Ausherman's BMW page which had some info on the bags and their mounting.
He included a page on mounting the Guzzi versions, which I've attached here. Can you add it to the section on the Enduro's?
Mounting instructions for Enduro saddlebags for a Moto Guzzi.
Enduro did make a tiny number of those saddlebags for Loops. The only MG Enduros I'm aware of are owned by me. I'd love to hear from anyone else who has a set. The back of the bags are molded to hug the bike, so it's quite apparent when you fit them up to a Guzzi that they were made expressly for a Loop. The BMWs had vertical shocks and the Guzzis had lay down shocks. They are worth silly money for the less common of the BMW Enduros. God knows what MG Enduros might be worth.
Photo courtesy of SportsterLeroy (Leroy in Cleveland).
Enduro saddlebags for a Moto Guzzi.
Photo courtesy of SportsterLeroy (Leroy in Cleveland).
Enduro saddlebags for a Moto Guzzi.
Photo courtesy of SportsterLeroy (Leroy in Cleveland).
Information from Mike Ittner:
There is a site that sells repops of the old BMW Enduro bags called Luxor Marine (Web site no longer exists. Owners name is Mark Yamron.). There is a beemer guy here in town who has a set of original ones on his beautifully restored BMW which he says are worth about USD $1,500.00. He also says he would rather have the repops as they are better than the originals. I know there are some on the list with BMWs so I am just putting this out there. USD $550.00 sounds good by comparison.
Endoro saddlebags for a BMW. Made by Luxor Marine. Shown here as an example only; shock relief will not fit a Moto Guzzi.
Photo courtesy of Luxor Marine.
Endoro saddlebags for a BMW. Made by Luxor Marine. Shown here as an example only; shock relief will not fit a Moto Guzzi.
Photo courtesy of Luxor Marine.
Endoro saddlebags for a BMW. Made by Luxor Marine. Shown here as an example only; shock relief will not fit a Moto Guzzi.
Photo courtesy of Luxor Marine.
Endoro saddlebags for a BMW. Made by Luxor Marine. Shown here as an example only; shock relief will not fit a Moto Guzzi.
Photo courtesy of Luxor Marine.
Endoro saddlebags for a BMW. Made by Luxor Marine. Shown here as an example only; shock relief will not fit a Moto Guzzi.