Gregory Bender

Rear drive crown wheel pre-loader tool

Moto Guzzi V700, V7 Special, Ambassador, 850 GT, 850 GT California, Eldorado, and 850 California Police models



I extracted this information from Ralf Brinkmann on the old Yahoo! Loopframe_Guzzi news group (which has now moved to In Ralf's own words:

I designed such a tool by myself some years ago - very simple to make - today I had the time to search for pictures and put them into the internet - see the following link:

Moto Guzzi special tool for pre-loading the crown wheel when shimming the rear drive.
Moto Guzzi special tool for pre-loading the crown wheel when shimming the rear drive.

Photo courtesy of Ralf Brinkmann.

Moto Guzzi special tool for pre-loading the crown wheel when shimming the rear drive.
Moto Guzzi special tool for pre-loading the crown wheel when shimming the rear drive.

Photo courtesy of Ralf Brinkmann.

Moto Guzzi special tool for pre-loading the crown wheel when shimming the rear drive.
Moto Guzzi special tool for pre-loading the crown wheel when shimming the rear drive.

Photo courtesy of Ralf Brinkmann.

Moto Guzzi special tool for pre-loading the crown wheel when shimming the rear drive.
Moto Guzzi special tool for pre-loading the crown wheel when shimming the rear drive.

Photo courtesy of Ralf Brinkmann.

Moto Guzzi special tool for pre-loading the crown wheel when shimming the rear drive.
Moto Guzzi special tool for pre-loading the crown wheel when shimming the rear drive.

Photo courtesy of Ralf Brinkmann.