Gregory Bender

Oil tray and passages - 4 speed transmissions

Moto Guzzi V700, V7 Special, Ambassador, 850 GT, 850 GT California, Eldorado, and 850 California Police models



Thanks to excellent mechanic Sean Fader of RTL Moto who posted this information on the old Yahoo! Loopframe_Guzzi news group (which has now moved to In Sean's own words:

Yeah guys, the tray funnels gear oil (that is flung up into it) into a passageway in the front of the case. That passageway leads into the area behind the cone washer, then into the shaft center. Make sure the tray is clean and also that the passageway is not blocked. Blow through it with air if possible.

When installing the tray, the end with the diagonal bend in the edge goes at the rear of the transmission...nearest the rear cover.