Gregory Bender

Lower footpegs to improve ergonomics on the V700

Moto Guzzi V700, V7 Special, Ambassador, 850 GT, 850 GT California, Eldorado, and 850 California Police models



Thanks to Joe Tokarz for sending me this information via email. In Joe's own words and photos.

These modifications help when a riders lower body flexibility isn't what it used to be along with leg interference with the right side rocker shift lever. Leg lifting into riding position should not be a clumsy unsafe action.

I believe this modification with slight adaptation will work on all non-footboard loop models.

Thanks to Greg Bender and Charlie Mullendore for their consultation time.

This modification has 3 parts:

Lower the footrests

After trying a few footrest mockups the simplest solution was to cut off the tube, weld a 316 inch thick 2 12 inch long extender to the footrest bracket and reattach the tube to the extender. This lowers the tube by 1 14 inch. A gusset under the tube as shown in the mock-up picture is not needed. Joints must be cut square and tight to each other before welding. A simple jig holds them while welding. The first weld is just tack to make sure the concept works before the final welds and paint. Vertical alignment of the rests stay the same, the footrest tube is just lower. Clearance for exhaust pipes, rear brake lever and shift lever are not affected. The open end of the footrest rubber was also trimmed.

Shift lever

Modifying the lever is a simple matter of cutting off the heel lever and dressing up the cut. That immediately eliminates leg interference with the shifter.

Spacer for brake spindle paddle

Lowering the left footrest places the brake lever pedal too high. Adjusting it down increases the space between the brake switch actuator and the spindle so that the brake light will not turn off. Soldering a 18 inch to 316 inch thick spacer block to the spindle takes up the space and the light turns off.

Footrest mockup
Footrest mockup

Photo courtesy of Joe Tokarz.

Mockup test
Mockup test

Photo courtesy of Joe Tokarz.

Cut tube
Cut tube

Photo courtesy of Joe Tokarz.


Photo courtesy of Joe Tokarz.

Tack weld 1
Tack weld 1

Photo courtesy of Joe Tokarz.

Tack weld 2
Tack weld 2

Photo courtesy of Joe Tokarz.

Shift lever modification
Shift lever modification

Photo courtesy of Joe Tokarz.

Spacer on spindle paddle
Spacer on spindle paddle

Photo courtesy of Joe Tokarz.

Footrest lower - finished
Footrest lower - finished

Photo courtesy of Joe Tokarz.