Moto Guzzi V700, V7 Special, Ambassador, 850 GT, 850 GT California, Eldorado, and 850 California Police models
Thanks to Joe Tokarz for contributing this recommendation. In Joe's own words and photos
The Guzziology book by Dave Richardson is full of useful information about repairing and maintain Guzzis. However with over 800 pages the plastic binding comb (GBC) is at the max.
The most common failure of the comb is one or both of the end teeth to break off or rip open the capture hole so the binder can't stay closed. After that the pages unravel. It's tedious to re-thread the pages into the comb but that only works until the book is reopened then they unravel again.
A fix uses a thin cut of plastic packing from a super-glue package. It's flexible and strong.
Photo courtesy of Joe Tokarz.
Get some gel type super-glue and cut one or 2 strips the same width as the binder comb but significantly longer. Scuff the binding surfaces of the failed binder comb tooth and the repair piece about a third of the way into the book. Glue one end of the strip to the top of the failed comb. Wait until this repair is fully set before re-threading the pages along the comb and the repaired end tooth.
Photo courtesy of Joe Tokarz.
Position the repair strip through all the pages and the cover sheet.
Photo courtesy of Joe Tokarz.
Scuff the surface where this tooth makes contact on the inside of binder, glue and set with a clamp like a spring cloths pin. Don't disturb the joints until the glue is fully set.