Gregory Bender

Field coil removal tool for the starter and generator

Moto Guzzi V700, V7 Special, Ambassador, 850 GT, 850 GT California, Eldorado, and 850 California Police models



Removing the field coils from the starter and generator can be difficult. Regular screw drivers will not get the job done. Instead, drag link sockets are needed.

Sears sells a Craftsman four piece drag link set: Sears Item# 00934299000 | Model# 34299.

Here is how I use the drag link sockets to remove the field coils from a Bosch generator:

I set up my drill press so that the generator body sat in my small drill press vice. No clamping force there, but by sitting in the middle of the clamp it didn't turn when I applied force.

I put the smallest drag link (916 inch) in my 12 inch breaker bar and then proceeded to apply downward force with my drill press right on top of the breaker bar. With the downward force applied, I turned the breaker bar. I sheared off the tip of the 916 inch drag link socket without even budging the screw. Ugh. I didn't have to try hard to do it. (Sears Item# 00944511000 | Model# 44511)

Glad Craftsman has a lifetime warranty on these.

I grabbed the next bigger size drag link (34 inch, Sears Model# 44512). It was too wide to fit in the slot (stuck out on each end). So I used my bench grinder to slowly relieve a bit from each end...keeping the socket cool.

With it narrowed to fit the length of the slot, it was still too thick to fit in the slot. So I ground some off on each side until it just barely fit. Again going slowly and keeping things cool.

Back to the drill press and this time the screws came out easy :> Oh it felt good when they moved. The only thing missing was the hallelujah chorus and a satisfying crack when they broke loose. No drama, they just started turning.