Cylinder plating services
Moto Guzzi V700, V7 Special, Ambassador, 850 GT, 850 GT California, Eldorado, and 850 California Police models
It is nearly always a better value to simply purchase complete Gilardoni Nikasil plated cylinder kits (complete with new pistons, wrist pins, rings, and circlips). But, if the size you need is no longer available, then a Nikasil plating service may be your only alternative. Here are a few services.
- Bore Tech
- Harper's Moto Guzzi
- Langcourt - Bob Pearson had a Langcourt plated cylinder on his V700 seize up and destroy both the cylinder and the piston. Investigation as to the root cause is underway.
- Millennium Technologies - Charley Cole of Zydeco Racing uses this company recommends them highly. I had () an existing nikisil plated cylinder replated by Millennium Technologies (a broken ring stripped the original plating). I was very happy with their work.
- US Chrome - Curtis Harper of Harper's Moto Guzzi has used US Chrome in the past. But has now switched to using Millennium Technologies. Curtis reports US Chrome had a tendency of breaking cylinder fins when they stamped an identification number on each cylinder; hence the move to Millennium Technologies.