Gregory Bender

Head pipe heat shield modification

Suzuki DR350 motorcycles, 1990 - 1999.



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Having burned holes in the leg of my old riding pants, I wanted to try and prevent the same damage to my new riding pants. I extended the heat shield forward using the heat shield from a 2005 Yamaha TW200 Trailway.

Extended heat shield on the exhaust header pipe of my DR350.
Extended heat shield on the exhaust header pipe of my DR350.

Photo courtesy of Gregory Bender.

Extended heat shield on the exhaust header pipe of my DR350.
Extended heat shield on the exhaust header pipe of my DR350.

Photo courtesy of Gregory Bender.

Extended heat shield on the exhaust header pipe of my DR350.
Extended heat shield on the exhaust header pipe of my DR350.

Photo courtesy of Gregory Bender.