Gregory Bender

Fork boot/gaiter information

Suzuki DR350 motorcycles, 1990 - 1999.



Buy O-rings for your DR350. Good quality + low prices.

Searching the Internet, I couldn't find much in the way of definitive information on replacement fork boot fitment for the DR350. Folks mentioned replacing them, but no one seemed to have specifics. So, I measured up my fork and ordered a Daystar replacement boot. Here are the details for anyone else so inclined.

I reused the original metal clamps in lieu of the provided zip ties. With the forks in their lowest position in the triple trees and fully extended, the boots reach nicely from immediately under the lower triple tree to the proper mounting location on the fork lowers. The fit at the top and bottom is quite nice...not too snug nor too loose.

The last two letters BK signify the color of the fork boots (these are available in a wide variety of colors). So, it is really only the first part MX00069 that you need to be concerned about.

I couldn't find the DR350 listed anywhere on their website (or anywhere else, for that matter), but these fit many other machines, such as the 1982 Honda CR480R. I bought these from Rocky Mountain ATV.

Daystar MX00069BK fit to my 1993 Suzuki DR350 dirt model.
Daystar MX00069BK fit to my 1993 Suzuki DR350 dirt model.

Photo courtesy of Gregory Bender.

Daystar MX00069BK fit to my 1993 Suzuki DR350 dirt model.
Daystar MX00069BK fit to my 1993 Suzuki DR350 dirt model.

Photo courtesy of Gregory Bender.

Daystar MX00069BK fit to my 1993 Suzuki DR350 dirt model.
Daystar MX00069BK fit to my 1993 Suzuki DR350 dirt model.

Photo courtesy of Gregory Bender.